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Contentbox headline
Evento Zumbi
[*] The event lasts until the last participant got killed. This one who will be the winner.
[*] Only players above level 25 can participate in the event (to prevent fraud).
[*] By dying inside the event arena, participants will not lose anything.
[*] Nobody will be able to use runes or any artifice that impels zombies to roam the map.
Saturday (sábado) 20:00
First time 10 bars of gold* + Thornfire Wolf (speed +25)
Another times 25 bars of gold*
Monster of the Day
Monster Pedestal

Top 5 Experience

1 - Fatal Knight
   Level: (769)
   Elite Knight
2 - Luxyfera
   Level: (305)
   Master Sorcerer
3 - Jettan
   Level: (170)
   Elite Knight
4 - Unosieteoblo
   Level: (118)
   Master Sorcerer
5 - Maxsior
   Level: (27)
   Royal Paladin