Whatsapp group
Presiona AQUI: ONLINE Unete a nuestro grupo de WhatsApp.
Discord group
Presiona AQUI: ONLINE Unete a nuestro Discord.
Contentbox headline
Basic Information
[*] The event continues until one of the teams is exterminated or times out.
[*] Only players above level 150 will be able to join the event.
[*] By dying inside the event arena, participants wont't lose anything.
[*] The event will only start when it reaches the required number of players (Min: 8, Max: 50).
[*] Teams will be divided into two: Alliance and Horde.
[*] In cases where the other team has one more member, the team with fewer players will earn an extra life.
[*] It will not be possible to change outfit inside the event.
Everyday (todos os dias) 21:00
By time limit 10 bars of gold* for each member alive
By killing the whole enemy team 10 bars of gold* for each member alive
20K experience*members alive
Monster of the Day
Monster Pedestal

Top 5 Experience

1 - Fatal Knight
   Level: (769)
   Elite Knight
2 - Luxyfera
   Level: (305)
   Master Sorcerer
3 - Jettan
   Level: (170)
   Elite Knight
4 - Unosieteoblo
   Level: (118)
   Master Sorcerer
5 - Maxsior
   Level: (27)
   Royal Paladin